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Our Services

We provide both In-person and Online services using different therapeutic approaches in the following broad categories;

  1. Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamic therapies

  2. Behaviour therapies

  3. Cognitive therapies (CBT)

  4. Humanistic therapies

  5. Integrative or holistic therapy


Individual therapy 

Individuals are taken through a journey of self-discovery, awareness and acceptance using different theoretical techniques and counselling skills. The journey delves into Adverse Childhood Experiences that shape behavior, beliefs and world view of a person; It looks at traumatic experiences or crisis that may happen to a person through their life journey and also looks at developmental milestones and how an individual negotiated/ navigated through them (successfully or stagnation). Generally, individual therapy critically analyses the interaction of biological factors (nurture) and environmental factors (nature).

Group therapy 

A group brings together individuals who are experiencing the same challenges such as Depression, Loss and grief, Obesity, and Substance use among others. Group therapy has many advantages which include but are not limited to; social support, learning from other peoples’ experiences, talking and listening to others which helps to put one's own issues in perspective and picking diversity in coping strategies. The group is led by one or more psychologists comprisesd by roughly 15 individuals. The main goal is to address concerns/ issues and make positive changes in the lives of the individuals.

 Mental Health consultancy

This involves training on different Mental Health topics, training lay counselors, training peer counselors, conducting self-care/ team building events for teams, advocacy and awareness creation events

Team building

​This are events that target groups which work together, study together, go to church together or participate in different forms of activities together. Our approach is unique and does not only focus on goal oriented activities but also focuses on self-care activities, personal growth and life skill based activities.

Sport for good

 These are events that use Sports for Mental Health such as Cycling to create suicide awareness, football for self-care, and others. Hiking, forest bathing, and adventure are also part of sports and they target people in different age groups, families, leaders, schools, churches, and social groups.

Mentorship program

This involves life coaching, Career coaching, individual/ group mentorship and coaching, assertive training, public speaking training, professional growth and development coaching sessions.



What Our Clients Say

Portrait of Middle Aged Woman

Jane, Nakuru 

“Agatha is a great listener and gives you time and space to process. Without her, I would not have been able to make so much progress in moving forward in my life over the past year. She has taught me how to be kinder to myself.”

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